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DrunkenSloth85 - N/A
Aquarium Dude2 - Victoria
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bill223 - Queensland
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bah - California
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mail - Victoria
nancy - Victoria
tommy - Victoria
Ben - Victoria
ivan - Victoria
earl - Victoria
Rico - Victoria
test reg2 - Victoria
test reg1 - Victoria
fred - Victoria
mr ed - Victoria
test 1221 - Victoria
Aquarium Dude - Victoria
Patikins - Victoria
test2ch - Victoria
test - Victoria
Fogdog - Victoria
schnitz23 - Victoria
Duder - Victoria
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Members guidelines

With ReefJunkies.Org, you can publish and share your aquarium and profile information. You can also keep in touch and interact with your family, your friends and all the members of your network.
The respect of all users and the quality of the service remain ReefJunkies.Org's permanent concern provided all our members strive to respect our values.
The present guidelines aim at helping you to better understand the state of mind we expect from our members. Your use of ReefJunkies.Org relies on your agreement of both this document and our General Terms and Conditions of Service.

What we expect from you

  • Be the author of any content that you publish
    (or make sure you own explicitly the dedicated rights to publish it).
    Respect the copyrights. Do not copy in your own space the content other ReefJunkies.Org members have published; you'd rather use the feature "Add to favorites", it has been designed to this effect!
  • Our publishing services are dedicated to host the numeric works of our members. We monitor any corrupted use : we'll delete any unsuitable content without notice, and terminate the concerned account.
  • Respect the external links reciprocity rule.
    Links enable the publishing of contents hosted by ReefJunkies.Org on external Web pages at the option of their owners. If you use such links, you commit yourself to refer the published content to the ReefJunkies.Org page via a clickable link.
  • Do not publish any illegal or prohibited content: pornography, pedophilia, of racist, violent, defamatory nature...
    It's simply FORBIDDEN on ReefJunkies.Org.
  • Choose a member picture that best represents your identity, your face ideally.
    It contributes to the user-friendlisness we expect from our community. Don't use any illegal or forbidden photo. Nakedness is not permitted for members pictures either.
  • Be polite and respectful of other members.
    When you communicate with another member, please pay attention and be as polite and respectful as you would in person. During a chat, several opposite opinions can be expressed. Consider these with respect and be open-minded enough to understand different points of view.
  • Do not divert the use of the features proposed.
    No spam, no advertising, nor any kind of harassment can be tolerated in the comments, the keyword tags nor in the mailbox, the chat or any other ReefJunkies.Org feature. We constantly monitor the polluting and unnecessary activity of any diverted use and are inflexible with the persons held responsible!
  • Remove your docs or your blog posts from public search if you feel that their content might shock or offend.
    Attention, the pornographic contents are prohibited on Ipernity. In order to remove a doc or a post from public search, click the link "Remove this doc/post from public search?" at the bottom right hand side of any doc/post page.

If ReefJunkies.Org was to face any content related problem

we reserve the right, at our own discretion, to delete any content considered unsuitable and/or disregarding the General Terms and Conditions of Service and/or the present guidelines . Depending on the seriousness of the case, ReefJunkies.Org shall decide to terminate the account of the member held responsible, and to delete all its content.

Copyright 2010 - 2024 Reef Junkies